The government of Indonesia will build a creative economic center on the ex sugar factory Colomadu

Colomadu Educational Heritage and Tourism Center

The development plan of the sugar factory Colomadu (PG Colomadu) rely on the financing of a number of State-owned enterprises (SOEs). The historic legacy of the colonial era factory that's ready to be revitalized starting January 2017.

Karanganyar District Secretary, Samsi said the workmanship will be beginning a ground breaking revitalization phase I which runs 2016-2018. In it against the formation of a consortium of independent property management which is able to initiate the development of a non-profit, elections caused areas of creative industries and establish international cooperation.

"The revitalization plan is divided in four phases until the year 2028. As for the phase I until 2018, will be ground breaking begins on January 2017 "said to the, Tuesday (7/7/2016).

The revitalization project focuses not only on the rescue of cultural heritage sites, but also to accommodate the growth of the creative industries and the exhibition rooms. Standing on the land of 20 hectares, PG Colomadu will be laid out in blocks A through D where each different function blocks. Samsi said, a number of STATE-OWNED companies participate to supply funding for revitalization.

"STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES shall be obliged to support a new tourist area. Almost all of them collect dues such as PT Angkasa Pura, Pertamina, PT Krakatau Steel and so on, "he explained.

In this case, the District also contributed provides extra land 2.5 hectares of land possession in the PG East currently stands a porch seeds fish (BBI) Colomadu. Samsi haven't learned the extent of Karanganyar District Government intervention and profit derived from the collaboration consortium managing the New PG Colomadu.

"We are still waiting for the MoU will be signed by Regent Juliyatmono," he said.

Samsi optimistic results revitalizing factories that built KGPAA Mangkunegara IV in 1861 this magnet will be the new social and cultural growth in Karanganyar.
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