11 Dream Locations in the Solo dan Karanganyar for Photographers

Photos is a medium to capture every moment so that it can be viewed at a later date. The selection of the photo spot is certainly an important factor in determining whether or not a good photo. Well, when you're in Solo, you should not only visit tourist spots in Solo only. Visit also the interesting places for beautiful photography.

Surely we will post a review about the place of photography in Solo that is most recommended. In addition to the many visited by photographers who are hunting photos, the following places are also frequently visited by tourists who want to get a good photo.

1. Kraton Surakarta Hadiningrat

Solo is one of the highly viscous with customs and culture. Therefore, many photographers or tourists who choose the Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat and Puro Mangkunegaran as the places of photography in Solo and unique ambience with touches of typical culture of Surakarta.

Many couples who do pre-wedding photo session with the background of the Royal Palace while wearing custom. Kraton Surakarta Hadiningrat and Puro Mangkunegaran going to make couples who do pre-wedding here looks like the King and Queen of the Palace.

2. Ngarsopuro night market

Activity of the citizens of the city of Solo in the evening is also very interesting to enshrined in the lens of your photos. Ngarsopuro night market is a place of photography the most favorite time of the evening. Although crowded, the activity of the citizens of this night market away from noise like crowd in the Jakarta. Citizens come to market this evening to the streets to hangout or just looking for a meal in the evening.

The ranks of the lights that illuminate the night market Ngarsopuro will make the results of your photo so more interesting. This night market ultimately administered by the local government.

3. Cheto Temple - Karanganyar

Solo also has a few photo spot in the form of a temple. The Cheto Temple is the temple of the ex-Hindu kingdom relics. This temple has a gate that is tall enough and become the most favorite photo spot when sunset.

Many photographers as well as tourists visiting the temple which is in the Karanganyar at time of morning or evening in order to obtain the best photos. So, you don't need all the way to Bali if in Solo you can get a photo with arch-shaped like a temple in Bali.

4. Kampoeng of Batik Laweyan

Hunting interesting photos in? Well, just come to the Kampoeng of Batik are located near Pasar Klewer. There are two known Kampoeng of batik in this area, namely the Kampoeng Batik Kauman and Kampoeng Batik Laweyan. Both locations are between the ancient buildings relics of the Dutch colonial era.

The streets around the Kampoeng of batik is normally used for hunting photos. Moreover,sometimes there are rickshaws are available in this area so that we can make the rickshaws as the object of the photo. The streets and buildings that appear in this Kampoeng of Batik will make your memorable photo vintage.

5. Fort Vastenburg

If this time you want photography with the gothic theme or vintage, you can instantly go to Fort Vastenburg. The castle remains the age of the Netherlands this will probably give you a little impression of the armature. However, believe me that Fort Vastenburg can give a touch of gothic vintage at the same time on the results of your photo.

The lush trees that shaded this fortress building will provide its own magical touch in the photo. There are also couples who are interested in doing a pre-wedding photos with the background of the castle that was built in 1745.

6. The Dhamma Vihara Sundara

Photography doesn't have to be always in natural attractions. You can also come to your place of worship if you're allowed to photographs by managers of such places of worship. Dhamma Vihara Sundara is a Buddhist place of worship has its own uniqueness so often serve as the place of hunting photos.

In the middle of the monastery there is a temple that was dominated by white colour. Although the temple is not too large, but this white temple can make your photos look like being in Thailand. Moreover, there is an additional white elephant-shaped stupa.

7. National Press Museum

There is something interesting wit the National Press Monument who were in Surakarta. The architecture of the building looks like a cross between a colonial building with Hindu-Buddhist heritage. 

Form a very unique building make this monument the national press is becoming a very attractive place for photography. While hunting photos, we can also add insight regarding the knowledge of the history of the press in Indonesia. The location of the monument national press on Jalan Gajah Mada No. 76, Timuran, Banjarsari, Surakarta. 

8. Kedungombo Dam 

One of photography's place in Solo you can visit is on Kedungombo Dam. Geographically, this reservoir are not located in Solo, but in Grobogan. However, from the Solo you can embark on a journey to this reservoir for 1.5 hours only.

Kedungombo dam is one of the largest reservoirs in Indonesia. Area of the reservoir is about 6,576 hectares and many people are fishing here. That makes Wadung on Kedungombo is suitable for photography is the background of the mountains that make the results of your photo looks so natural. 

9. Pademangan Monument (Zero Kilometer Monument of the Solo city)

Area at Solo zero kilometer can also be a very interesting photo spot. In the middle of the road there was a monument named Pademangan Monument. The pillar of this shape is not very big and is decorated with 4 pieces of chandeliers. 

Not complete go to Solo without a photograph in the zero kilometer monument  Solo. Not just among photographers who often photographs here, many tourists interested in visiting this area for a mere selfie. Zero point could become a place of hunting photos fitting especially during nighttime. 

10. Tawangmangu Regency - Karanganyar

Area of Tawangmangu is not located in the city of Solo due to its location in the Karanganyar regency. Even so a lot of people from region Solo coming to the Tawangmangu for photography. Many couples who do pre-wedding photo session in Tawangmangu district. 

There are so many interesting photos to spot when you're in Tawangmangu, ranging from tea garden, Grojogan Sewu waterfall, Jumog waterfall, up to Sekipan camp arena. Anyway you won't regret hunting photos in Tawangmangu district.

11. Batik Danar Hadi Museum

Batik is very attached to Javanese culture and when visit to the Solo city, you can learn about batik with satisfied. After shopping and mastered the nuances of the Palaces, you can visit batik Batik Museum Danar Hadi.

You can see various batik collections with a touch of foreign countries as well as a rare ancient batik. In addition to batik, Batik Danar Hadi Museum also exhibits a collection of clothes made from batik with styles that followed the development of the times. For visitors who want to learn about the process of making batik, just follow the workshop was often held by the museum.

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